Events and Conference Photography
What Makes Us Different
contact us and discuss your Event or Conference
We're here to help you
everything we do revolves around you and making your event a success
We have a unique understanding of events
Having been an events manager and hiring photographers to cover events we have a very unique insight into what's needed to document your events, awards ceremony, party and trade show. We bring that element of trust that's refreshing to any events manager, knowing that you have the knowledge and experience of a similar person to back you up and deliver what you need at the most stressful time.
Design your own package around your Plans
We've organised and participated in numerous events and trade shows with and without celebrities and none are the same. We listen to your thoughts, plan our services to meet your needs, when you need it, where you need it. Events are stressful and take a lot of effort from the organisers and we understand this. We take the plan and work to it, leaving you to take care of the other things, whilst still being flexible to your needs if they change on the fly.

Organising an event shouldn't be stressful, but often is. We help you enjoy it more.
Talk to us about how we help take some of the pressure off your events planning and have the confidence you'll get the shots you wants and need when it's over.
what our clients say about us

if you need additional information please drop us a call and we'll answer
Is a common misconception that anyone with a half decent SLR can be an event photographer. When we started we too also believed that all you have to do is point and click. We were wrong! A great event photographer will know how to take amazing photographs in every possible scenario. Filling in with flash where necessary. White balancing for the colour temperature in the room. Stopping up and stopping down. Does this mean anything to you? That’s why people in the events industry hire photographers. We have years of experience working in all sorts of situation at every kind of event you could imagine. We use all the latest photography equipment making sure we are always up to speed on the latest technology. We spend hours in our editing room to ensure that each of your photographs are perfect. Because we care passionately that you get photographs you’ll love.
We have a network of trusted photographers who have experience shooting events of all types from weddings, corporate events, commercial photography, advertising, extreme sports and editorial projects.
Not unless you feel it’s 100% necessary. We can work in any light situation. We will turn up 15-20 minutes before your event and work out quickly the best way to photograph your event. However if your event is a large scale event that requires more than one photographer, we will do a recce.
Yes we do. Every image we deliver is post produced with our unique style of basic post production. Every image is hand touched, colour corrected, exposure adjusted, clarity adjusted and tone-mapped to make them look their absolute best. Many photographers will not post produce any, or will only post produce “select” images. This means that you may have pictures that are too dark, have strange skin tones, or other common photography flaws.
Our official answer is two weeks but we often deliver projects within seven days depending on our current workload. We offer same day and rush services when needed for an additional fee. When booking our services please make sure to let us know if you are working with tight deadlines.
We delivery most projects via DVD. Larger events, or clients who request may choose the option to have their images delivered on a hard drive provided by you. If you don’t have an external drive we can supply one (thumb drive) for you at cost. You may also request your images to be uploaded to dropbox which you may download or share with your clients or guests. Offering prints and digital downloads are optional at your discretion.
Images are clearly labeled and organized into subfolders such as ‘Details’, ‘VIP’s’, ‘Dancing’, ‘Diner’, etc.
Upon booking our services we collect 30% of the total fee with the remainder due the actual day of, or no later than net 30 days after your event. Should you need to cancel your event the initial payment would be forfeited.
To book your event date, a retainer fee and a signed contract will be required. Bookings are accepted on a first-come/first-serve basis and dates will not be held without the retainer and signed contract. Final payment will be made on the actual day itself.
Standard rates apply for overtime. Overtime is billed at the rate of $150/hr.
We accept cash, cheque, credit card or debit card or payment via bank transfer, whatever is most convenient for you.
We always keeps the copyright to our photographs. Usage will be included in your event photography fee and for private parties we give your unlimited global use. You will be given the digital file and you can use them however you wish. Upload them to Facebook, turn them into table mats, send them to your family. However, for corporate events and PR/Press events client usage will need to be negotiated in advance. We do offer the option to globally buy out the copyright.